Our friends at Mindshop have put together their annual Business Leader Insights Report with the key takeaway for business success this year being the ‘reset’. Resetting and re-charting your path to success for 2022 based on the lessons learned in 2021.

About Mindshop

Mindshop is a global leader in providing support solutions to business advisors and leaders who share their core values, and a key partner for WK Strawbridge in providing advisory services for our clients. WK Strawbridge is proud to be partnered with Mindshop to provide the key insights, learnings, strategies and techniques to implement them from the 2022 report for our clients and local business community. In this six-part series we will break down the information and key takeaways from the report to help you and your business ensure a successful 2022.

Reflecting on 2021

During the last two years a lot of lessons have been learnt and resilience built. Despite the challenges of doing business throughout the last COVID-impacted years, Mindshop note that in general most businesses did in fact have a financially strong 2021 and are therefore cautiously optimistic about the outlook for 2022.

Mindshop notes “concerns about lack of time, poor focus and energy levels will be barriers to greater success for leaders. Just 4% of leaders surveyed stated they are very well prepared to meet the emerging needs of their business in 2022 highlighting that the ‘readiness’ issue cannot be ignored. Fatigue will finally force many to release pressure by doing less, embracing new technologies, working smarter not harder as the ever increasing to do list becomes unsustainable.”

The Great Reset

This is where the big ‘reset’ strategy comes into play. As most business are coming out the thick-of-it from the past two years, it’s time for the strategies which may have had to be put on the back burner to be brought back to the forefront and developed to stimulate higher leadership and business performance.

This reset will look different for each business and leader themselves. For some it might be profit improvement, strategy implementation or developing coaching. For others it may be adapting and learning what works best for their business in the ever-changing workplace environment; work from home, hybrid working and moving into an increasingly digital age each pose their own staffing attraction and retention challenges.

About the Survey

In late 2021, Mindshop surveyed almost 200 business leaders and advisors from around the world to understand their thoughts on the impact of the global pandemic on their business, themselves, the business environment and training needs for the year ahead.

In the next part of this series we will be recapping on some of the learnings from 2021 and going through why resetting for 2022 is essential for leadership and business success.