Casey Gousmett from our office and Emma Pilcher from WK Blenheim recently attended the annual Primary Sector Conference held in Christchurch. The Primary Sector Conference 2023 was designed for rural accounting practitioners working with primary sector businesses. 

The theme for 2023 was “Shaping the Future of Primary Sector Professionals”, which underpinned many of the conference content and field trip options.  Guest speakers spoke about various areas, including Forestry ETS, Dairy Farming,  Plant-based proteins and the importance of the product’s origin. These were just a few of the insightful ones. 

Some other things that resonated with Emma and Casey included:

  • 98% of scientists believe climate change is here. Adaptability will be crucial in keeping ahead of the game, and the importance of land use capabilities will be a significant focus for future operations. 
  • The government has put together various tax relief and assistance packages around Cyclone Gabrielle to help those affected regions.
  • New laws are in place, including Highly Productive Land Usage, Water Services Act 2021 and Freshwater National Policy Statement 2020, and there will be a focus on ensuring farmers comply with these laws.

The highlight of the conference was visiting Oakley’s Premium Fresh Vegetables NZ family business in Southbridge, Canterbury, with Robin Oakley providing us with a guided tour of the premises and operations.  It was interesting seeing the ‘behind the scenes of the commonly known Oakley’s Potato, which is sold in supermarkets and the “story” behind its success in building the business into the brand it is known for today.

We look forward to visiting our clients and seeing the ‘behind the scenes’ of their businesses sometime very soon. 

If you have any questions around the Primary Sector, please feel free to make contact with us.